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发表于 2016-10-14 14:42:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

    The latest WikiLeaks related emails, I type the 1st one here, pleasedownload and open the picture below to read the rest two, and please help usto SPREAD it, thanks!
    最新WikiLeaks相关的电邮, 我特此打印了第一封电邮, 请下载并打开附图然后阅读剩下的两封,请帮我们将此图片和信息传播出去,谢谢!
    --- 10/12/16(Wed)07:57:20 No. 92570450 ---All 33k deleted Emails are going to be released by November 1st, probably in
    4-5 sets, these emails are going to be the complete undoing of theDemocratic Party. We are purposely holding thme back so they cannot havetime to replace Hillary.
    所有3万3千封被删电邮将于11月1日被公开,也许分3到4次, 这些电邮将彻底摧毁整个民主党。我们特意推迟发布,因此他们就没有时间来换掉希拉里。
    Also we are not Russian, despite what CNN tells you, we already have insideinfo that Obama is literally going to start a war with Russia to cover upthe crimes that are in the emails. We are talking Obama and Hillary beingheld for Treason and ending up with the same Terrorist they have influenced- by this time next year. 我们并非俄国人尽管CNN一直这么说,我们已有内幕消息 - 奥巴马正准备向俄罗斯开战用以掩盖那些在电邮里列举的各种罪行。我们正谈论的是奥巴马和希拉里准备在明年的这个时候勾结听命于他们的恐怖分子进行叛国。
    Don't give up the fight, Julian and his staff 100% know what Hillary is notgoing to be President. Hillary knows once the emails get released she's done, and that is why she is crying Russia and Obama is willing to start a warto hide their crimes, or at least draw attention away from their crimes.我们不会放弃这场战斗,Julian和他的同事们100%地知道希拉里绝不会成为总统。希拉里也知道一旦这些电邮曝光她就完蛋了,这也正是为何她总是叫骂俄罗斯,这也正是为何奥巴马想要对俄罗斯开战 - 用以掩盖他们的罪行,或至少试图转移人们的视线,让公众对他们的罪行不知情。


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